Data Storage

The Smart Factory
The manufacturing industry is experiencing major disruptions as traditional methods of producing goods...

A Modern Approach to Endpoint Remediation
Even with a comprehensive multi-layered protection solution in place, no organization can prevent every...

Python for Data Science For Dummies, 2nd Edition
The fast and easy way to learn Python programming and statistics Python For Data Science For Dummies...

The Impact of Accelerating Storage and Data Protection Environment
ESG recently surveyed 2,000 IT decision makers to understand whether, and to what degree, organizations'...

The Gorilla Guide to Rapid Restores with Flash and Cloud
Welcome to this Gorilla Guide covering enterprise data protection, backup, and recovery. The purpose...

Data Storage Considerations for Security Analytics
Log analytics has taken increasing importance over the years. In particular, applications that use log...

AI-Driven Threat and Incident Prevention, Detection, and Response
Traditional cybersecurity, for lack of a better word, is dead. The proliferation of mobile technology...

Functional Programming For Dummies
Using functional programming techniques can make you incredibly efficient when solving certain problems...

Protecting commercial network data in motion
Modern organizations have become dependent upon the fixed, high-speed data networks that serve as their...

Cloud Computing for Dummies
Cloud computing is a topic that technology pros need to know to stay ahead of the computing game. Cloud...

Networking All-in-One for Dummies
Becoming a master of networking has never been easier Whether you're in charge of a small network or...

Pure Storage FlashBlade: Unified Fast File and Object (UFFO) Platform
Operational efficiency is the most-cited objective for digital transformation according to ESG research....
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