Windows 7

Hyperconverge Microsoft SQL Server to Simplify Application Delivery
To run SQL workloads efficiently, you need the low cost and high performance of hyperconverged infrastructure...

Windows Server 2019 and PowerShell All-in-One For Dummies
Windows Server 2019 and PowerShell All-in-One For Dummies offers a single reference to help you build...

A Public Sector Guide to Getting More From IT
The Covid-19 global pandemic has had a huge impact on organisations of every size and in every sector,...

CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 5th Edition
Fully updated to cover the 2019 exam release! CompTIA's A+ certification is an essential certification...

Simply SQL 2017, Teach Yourself SQL
SQL is the language used by all major database systems today. SQL has been around for about 30 years,...

Three reasons to manage Office 365 with Citrix Workspace
Are you considering migrating to Microsoft Office 365 or already facing challenges with the move? Don't...

The Road To Digital Experience Success
The world of work is not changing. It has already changed. Firms that have not boarded the ship need...

The Survivor's Guide to Building an Office 365 Network
A Microsoft Office 365 deployment can be daunting. From a fast user experience, to a cost-cutting productivity...

Brian Madden’s Playbook for Your Journey to the Cloud
Brian Madden, End-User Computing industry analyst and VMware resident expert, explains the big picture...

Brian Madden's Playbook for Your Journey to the Cloud
Brian Madden, End-User Computing industry analyst and VMware resident expert, explains the big picture...

The CIOs Guide to Data and Analytics Innovation
How are you putting your data to work? At a time when change is the only constant, IT leaders are being...
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