Windows XP

Ransomware Survival Guide
Be Ready for Ransomware Ransomware is an old threat that just won't go away. While overall volumes have...

The CIOs Guide to Data and Analytics Innovation
How are you putting your data to work? At a time when change is the only constant, IT leaders are being...

Linux All-In-One For Dummies, 6th Edition
Inside, over 500 pages of Linux topics are organized into eight task-oriented mini books that help you...

Empowering Better Patient Care: Healthcare Mobile Solutions Hotsheet
The cost of healthcare is rising exponentially across the globe. Health services are challenged by a...

2021 State of Malware Report
The story of 2020 is of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic, and of how the world adapted. The story of...

Transforming the way Businesses Consume Technology
Technology has never been easier to pay for, manage and support. The way products and services are consumed...

Cyberthreats: A 20-Year Retrospective
Annual threat reports provide an opportunity to look back at significant events of the past 12 months...

Top 5 Ways to Simplify Data Protection with Microsoft Azure
Read this white paper to find out five ways that you can simplify data protection with Microsoft Azure,...

CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 5th Edition
Fully updated to cover the 2019 exam release! CompTIA's A+ certification is an essential certification...

Simply SQL 2017, Teach Yourself SQL
SQL is the language used by all major database systems today. SQL has been around for about 30 years,...

Brian Madden Insights: From Desktops to a Digital Workspace
The first 20 years of 'end-user computing' (EUC) were really about desktop computers sitting on users'...
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