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Back To The Future: 8 Features of Fast+ Future-Proof BNPL Technology

Published by: Provenir

Over the past year Buy Now, Pay Later products have gone from interesting new option to a household staple. And, like any emerging market, the products and the regulations that govern them are evolving quickly. As BNPL providers take bigger and bigger bites out of the $8 trillion credit card industry, both credit card providers and innovative startups are taking notice. To compete and thrive, you need technology that doesn't just get you to market quickly, but that also prepares you for what the future of BNPL holds.
In our latest eBook, we explore the 8 decisioning and analytics technology features that will prepare you to:
Download the eBook today to discover what tools you need to get ahead and stay ahead as BNPL grows its market share!

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Lang: ENG
Type: Whitepaper Length: 19 pages

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