Enterprise Software

Activate ESG Use Case Guide
Incorporating robust ESG practices into business strategy and execution is critical, not only to be a...

Time to Consolidate, Not Complicate
Why businesses are consolidating use of a single support solution for both customers and employees. The...

CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 5th Edition
Fully updated to cover the 2019 exam release! CompTIA's A+ certification is an essential certification...

Why IT Struggles with Innovation and What to Do About It
Just 21% of senior IT professionals believe that they address change better than their competitors, according...

Brian Madden Insights: From Desktops to a Digital Workspace
The first 20 years of 'end-user computing' (EUC) were really about desktop computers sitting on users'...

NoSQL for Dummies
This easy to read guide to NoSQL databases provides the type of no–nonsense overview and analysis that...

5 Reasons to Prioritize Software Security
The pace of digital transformation has reached a speed never before seen, forcing organizations into...

The Gorilla Guide to Achieving IT Asset Management Success
ITAM is about knowing what you've got, where it is, who's using it and how much it costs. If you want...

Divestitures: Mastering Transition to Accelerate Business Growth
In an era where speed is paramount to maintain competitive sustainability, business restructuring through...

Digital Transformation – It’s in the Way You Move IT
As enterprises consider a migration to the cloud, many are left wondering: How can we ensure success? Download...

What Separates the Best from the Rest
Some IT organizations have the speed and adaptability to change course quickly when disaster strikes...
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