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Report Summary: TLS 1.3 Adoption in the Enterprise

Published by: F5

This research project sought to gauge awareness of and adoption plans for the new TLS 1.3 specification published by the IETF in August, 2018 as RFC 8446, and to better understand how enterprises are adapting to the growing use of encryption overall. In its newest form, the transport layer encryption standard departs in significant ways from the longstanding TLS 1.2 version that a majority of enterprises have been using for years.
Some industry groups have expressed serious reservations over the ability to decrypt and inspect traffic for troubleshooting and possible malware using TLS 1.3, but the good news is that a healthy percentage of respondents in the survey are either already in the throes of enabling TLS 1.3 or plan to enable it in the near future. Although it's common for IT practitioners to be unaware of the details of new standard specifications as they are hashed out by IETF insiders, a very clear majority of the respondents in the survey indicated great familiarity with it on a technical level.
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Lang: ENG
Type: Research Paper Length: 15 pages

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