VMware Multi-Cloud Architecture - Enabling Choice and Flexibility
In today's world, application growth is unprecedented and enterprise applications on a wide range of cloud endpoints - some public, some private, some via SaaS delivery, some managed by you, some managed by others.
Currently, every industry trend report identifies multi-cloud as a key strategy for most large organizations. However, this operating model brings with it a wide range of new challenges that must be addressed by IT leaders if this application delivery model is going to prove sustainable.
VMware's approach to multi-cloud enables choice and flexibility while dramatically decreasing operational complexity and risk. Partnering with AWS, Azure, Google, IBM, Oracle, Alibaba, thousands of managed service providers and select ISVs, VMware delivers a single, unified operating model that allows you to reap the benefits of multi-cloud without experiencing the downside of increased operational complexity and risk.
Download this eBook to learn how VMware can you accelerate your application modernization efforts by simplifying your approach to multi-cloud use.
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Related Categories: AIM, Apple, Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Cloud Applications, Compliance, Connectivity, Data Center, Data Centers, Digital transformation, Enterprise Applications, ERP, Hardware, Hybrid Cloud, IT Infrastructure, Machine Learning, Mobility, Network, Open Source, Operating System, Operating Systems, SaaS, SAN, SDDC, Server, Software, Storage, Virtualization, Windows Server
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