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Activate ESG Use Case Guide Discover more ways ServiceNow can help you drive ESG impact and value

Published by: ServiceNow

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is about driving business growth while building a more sustainable, equitable, and ethical future. In simple terms, ESG is about doing well BY doing good. ESG topics include climate, waste, human rights, diversity, and philanthropy, as well as topics that are considered traditional business topics like privacy, data security, and risk management. Today, ESG is top of mind for corporate leaders. Incorporating robust ESG practices into business strategy and execution is critical, not only to be a good corporate citizen and ensure regulatory compliance, but also to drive and maintain customer, investor, and employee loyalty. This requires a shift from a historical focus on short-term value for shareholders to a longer-term focus on sustainable value creation for all stakeholders

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Lang: ENG
Type: Whitepaper Length: 19 pages

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