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The Survivor's Guide to Building an Office 365 Network

Published by: Zscaler

A Microsoft Office 365 deployment can be daunting. From a fast user experience, to a cost-cutting productivity platform, your users and CIO are expecting amazing things from Office 365. While it's your job to deliver on the promise, you're not going to get very far unless your network has been properly set up for the experience.
As you probably realize, getting the network right for Office 365 is going to be a key first step in delivering against the company's goals and expectations. The intent of this guide it to help you identify Microsoft's key recommendations in regards to Office 365 networking, and detail what additional network and security challenges you might face before, during, and after deployment. Taken together, along with Zscaler's perspective as vendor that has helped hundreds organisations of all sizes successfully deploy Office 365, you might very well come to the conclusion that Office 365 is not that daunting after all.

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Lang: ENG
Type: Whitepaper Length: 11 pages

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